Thursday, April 12, 2007

:: Masuk Jawi ::

I've done my obligation... to cut what I need to cut...
performed on the second day I see the world... Dr. Amin Tan did it...
when I'm big, no more pain (hope not!)

but my tok wan was against it... he planned to have big ceremony for all his grandsons...
he said that's one of our milestone in life...
alaa, adat jek tok wan... but I can still be in the crowd jugak...
I can still get the money... but I don't have to gantung my sarong, or use mini tudung saji ;)

[say 'No' to TUNGAU, too... yeah!]


Val Aziz said...

Hi Roz..nice of u to drop by my blog..I have 3 sons eldest is 4 and youngest is 1 yr..and i haven't thought about khatan old is ur son? Ok ke kalau potong awal2? I'm under the impression the ngam time is around darjah 4 - 6..

Roz Razalli said...

Hi Val...
3 sons? Thats nice. I'm doing my very best to be at that level :) nak banyak anak jugak... tee hee hee...

well, dr said it's even better to have them 'potong' at early stage (right after they were born)... sbb kalau masa kecik, lagi senang nak jaga; they dont move that much (yelaa, dah kena bedung, and easier to take care of, mcm jaga tali pusat dorang, and makan pon takyah pantang2, sbb minum susu jek)... I think I did not encounter any problem masa jaga dia dulu...

oh yeah... my son is only 17 month-old... take care!

Val Aziz said...

oh my oh my..gotta talk bout his wit hubby...such a daunting prospect...