Sunday, December 28, 2008

:: Wonderpets ::

"Wonder Pets... Wonder Pets... Kami datang... Membantu haiwan yang kesusahan... Kami tak besar, dan kami tak kuat... Bila bekerjasama, Semua jadi mudah... Yeayyyyyy... Wonder Pets!"

Hooked on this now... Now mommy sings this to me, and I'll join at the very end of each sentence... (mind you, I'm catching up...)

another part that really caught me when mom sings it

"Telefon... Telefon berbunyi... Telefon, kami datang!... Telefon, Telefon berbunyi... Ada haiwan dalam bahaya... Ada haiwan dalam bahaya... Ada haiwan dalam bahaya di sanaaaaa..."

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

:: I'm Singing ::

My first experience singing...! Mommy and Daddy brought me over to RedBox, Sogo...
There were Aunty Azmah, Uncle E1, Aunty Noriz and Uncle Aman, too...
I sang my whole heart out, not letting go of the microphone.
So all of them had to share those limited mics among them, coz surely this one is mine...
and they said I have a good voice, too!
[I only repeat ooooohhh... ooooohhhh... and they said I'm good? Wait until I sing one whole song, they'll go "Wow!"]

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

:: My Latest Achievement ::

Hi... I'd like to jot down what I am up to currently...

1. Naming all my uncles, aunties, tokwan, atok & neneks' cars...
2. Sing "aku cinta...oooo... aku cinta... ooooo"... from 'Hanya Engkau Yang Mampu- Aizat'
3. Jump on the bed... only my parents' bed
4. Say "Duduk Mommy" or "Duduk Daddy" if I want to sit on either one's lap
5. Say "Please... Mommy, Adam want some... eg. 'nub' for milk, 'ayer', etc"
6. Want to go "Jajan"...
7. Sing Raihan's song 'Asyhaduallailahaillah'
8. Dance whenever there is music blaring...
9. Finish the sentence of "Macam- Macam Aznil, Kelab Pohhh, Lu Pikirlah Sendiri"
10. "Nak Key-Key" - it means I want your car- key...
11. Kissing people who is asleep... then tell them that they are sleeping e.g. "mommy teep"
12. Will call your name few times... and you have to respond to it. If not, I'll keep calling you... e.g. "mommy, oooo mommy... mommy..." and mommy has to reply "Yes, Adam.. or Yes, my son!"
13. In the middle of the nite, if I'm in my baby-cot, I'll cry and say "Teep mommy"- it means I want to sleep on the same bed as mommy and daddy...
14. My bedtime story must only be from this 'Pinocchio' book... I'll go "Eeee book" (read book for me, please)
15. I'll go "Nak tutuk" for a bottle of milk... say "Cih" for thank you for the milk... and "more tutuk" if I need another round...
16. Love to ride the motorbike with my atok... I'll say "Vroom... vroom" and point to that bike, hoping that my atok will ride it with me...
17. Say "Apakkkk" in the softest manner... (that's my uncle)
18. I hide house-key, pen, sometimes food in my toy- car... 'The Lightning McQueen'
19. I take the tv controller, pass it to mommy/daddy/anybody and tell them to switch to 'Anil' for Aznil, or 'To To Bak' for Tong- Tong Bak...
20. I love watching Wonderpets (I call it 'Wopet')... and I recognize TV9 logo for Wonderpets
[mommy understands most of my needs, daddy had to ask mommy first whether he heard it correctly...]

Monday, December 8, 2008

:: Eid Adha ::

My raya haji was fun... I watched 5 cows slughtered right in front of my eyes... "Cow, Cow, moo...moo..."
Daddy was working hard too... Proud of you, daddy... yeah!
Tho my nose was pretty much blocked, with some coughing... I overall enjoyed the whole day experience...

the audience, by the fence... it was raining the whole day...

My daddy in action (orange shirt, "Jam Gadang" on it... Minang rocks!)...

Finally, lepak with my paksu G...

[I got exhausted watching daddy... 5 cows really drained me out]

Thursday, December 4, 2008

:: I'm Down... ::

with flu and cough... starting to have fever, too...
my nose is wet all the times, and things coming out from those caves, too...
the taste? do not ask...

mommy : adam demam ke?
me : ...mam! (yes!)
mommy: kesian anak mommy... come, u want ubat??? I'll give u one...
me : nak ubat...

yup! I now like my ubat... it's sweet, taste like candy... but it's no ordinary ubat, it's homoepathy punya ubat... that's why the taste is different as compared to the regular ones...

[can I have the ubat even when I'm not sick, mommy?]

Monday, December 1, 2008

:: My First Starbucks & Mega Kids ::

Yesterday we went to Midvalley, after filling up our tummies at a wedding reception (thanks neighbor!)
first destination... Starbucks Coffee...
mom wanted to have her toffee nut latte, and dad with his WiFi connection...
I had Tazo Giant Peach... sluurrrpppp... nice!

My Tazo... saploh ringgit sebotol!!! dang!

Then off to window shopping... mommy's way of de-stressing herself... and daddy being a sport himself, followed mommy...

after miles and miles of walking, they decided it was now my turn to have fun... off we go to Mega Kids, a place for kids to hang- outs... and adults too... coz mom & dad played, climbed and slide with me...

[muat- muat jek those tunnels to fit mom & dad's bods...]

Sunday, November 23, 2008

:: A Trip to Zoo Melaka ::

We went back to Melaka, my great grandma's place...
to attend mommy's good friend wedding...
the next day, mommy used her best skills to persuade daddy to bring us to the zoo...

lots of animals' name I've learnt...
mommy & daddy were pretty excited themselves...
lucky that we hopped on the tram to go around the zoo...
we would be sleeping over at the zoo if we were to walk all the way... :)
good plan, daddy!

I want you to make bubbles, I don't care about those two enormous 'alley- phent'

[I ended up spent more time at the playground there... boleh?]

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

:: Sparkling White ::

Now I brush my teeth everyday...
mom said to let it be white all the times...
and not to let little germs spread...

I like to brush my teeth,
my toothpaste has strawberry flavor...
I brush... brush... brush... and I swallowed...

once done, daddy or mommy wiped it off...
[daddy, does choki-choki tastes like my toothpaste?]

Friday, November 14, 2008

:: Uyut (Urut) ::

Now before I go to bed, I'll ask mommy to massage me...
and mom knows best where is the best spot to soften me to let me go fast asleep...

Me: mommy, uyut.. uyut...
Mom: say please then only i'll urut you...
Me: please, mommy...
Mom: ok... now lets lie down (and she starts her massage)...

in less that 5 mins, I'll be quiet, and ready to be in the dreamland...
but I'll be "uyut...uyut... nak uyut" if she stops (because she's already asleep)

[and where's daddy in the pic??? he's already snoring long, long time ago... heheheh]

Sunday, May 11, 2008

:: Allahu Akbar! ::


my both grandparents live next to surau (different places)...
so I hear azan everyday...
I imitate the muazzin...
with my two hands on ears...
(my version is shorter, of course!)

mommy and daddy will ask me to azan when I want something...
be it my 'susu'...
they liked it, they said... it's cute ;)
so I'll just go "Awah wa-bar, Awah wa-bar..." (Allah is Great, Allah is Great)...

[see this abang on TV9 as muazzin... he's just 9 or 10... good for him, get to perform azan on national tv)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

:: My 1st Birthday ::

Date: 12 Apr. 2008 (my birthday was on the 1o Apr.)
Time: 3 pm
Venue: Titiwangsa Lake
Theme: Dinosaurs...

yeay! I am officially 1 year old already (but I can't remember the day I was born ;)...
mommy and daddy prepared everything for the party with the help from my aunties and uncles...
Thanks everybody! I love all my birthday gifts...

the cake (mommy baked it fresh!)

some of the food served

the guests

cake cutting time!

post party, I'm thirsty and tired... mommy still maintain her composure

some of the gifts presented to me... terima kasih, daun keladi!
[mommy, u start planning for the 2nd one, already?]